
Hey there!  I’ll start by saying that I’m flattered that you want to know more about little ol’ me!  I’m Amber, a 40 year old mother of three humans and three canines, wife of 17 years to Patrick (a retired Marine,) and an avid collector of art supplies.  I believe in only putting positivity, happiness, and kindness out into the world.  There will be no judgment or drama here.
In my videos I hope to convey that you don’t need to be a fancy, talented, or trained artist to enjoy making art.  Art is for everyone!  I didn’t touch a paintbrush until 2014, but I was coming from a paper crafting world, so I already knew how to put together colors and patterns.  I switched from making cards, to art journaling because I felt that it would be an awesome legacy to leave behind. It’s messier, but more meaningful.  I kind of think of my journals as books of wisdom that future generations will cherish.
I learn by experimenting, and I want you to learn with me through my videos. Let’s learn together!  I experiment with all kinds of supplies, mediums, and techniques. Art journals are for learning, playing, and experimenting.  No stress allowed! These pages are not going into an art gallery.  You WILL create ugly pages, but if you learned something, or had fun, then your time was spent wisely.  

I hope you will leave here feeling more inspired, and excited about art.  Your work doesn’t always have to be a beautiful masterpiece, you just need to enjoy the time you spent creating it.  And, the more you play, the better you’ll get. 
Please let me know if there are supplies or techniques you’d like me to try!
Art journal with me!

Amber 💜

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